Support Our Cause

How you can help

There are many things you can do to help keep Pilsen clean, and most of them relate to what you already know.

If you have skills in writing, teaching, media, art, video, translation, web or graphic design, science, law, statistics, or any other field, we can use your help.

If you are involved in a community organization and would like to work with PERRO on any level, please contact us.

If you would like PERRO to present information on pollution to your church, business, or other group, please contact us. If you teach and would like to use data on Pilsen in a classroom setting, we have a number of resources available.

If you would like to donate to PERRO, please click on the link below. Donations cover expenses such as printing informational materials, scientific testing, EPA document fees, our office, and administrative expenses. Donations are not currently tax-deductable.