Data released by the USEPA on the SIMS monitoring system for the period October 2022 through May 2023 document that the SIMS metal shredder consistently increases air pollution in the community. By comparing data from the multiple sensors, we can see that the shredder is a source of harmful PM10 pollution and for the hazardous metal manganese on days of shredder operation.
The data show that PM10 levels at the sensor closest to the shredder (“W”) are more than two and a half times those at the most distant sensor (“SW”). The same is true of manganese levels closest to the shredder. Though the levels of PM10 and manganese do not exceed EPA action levels, adding pollution to a community under significant health threat is likely adding to existing problems, including for example with asthma. The shredder is also likely adding to the level of lead in the air. The sensor system continues to be insufficiently sensitive to decide about other risky substances, including cadmium and chromium.
For more information on the background and methodology of this and other findings, please consult the memos posted at: